TouchMath Extend

Lesson 58: Writing Time

Lesson Objectives

  • Understand that analog clocks show time within 12-hour periods 
  • Identify and apply understanding of the hour hand and the minute hand on the face of an analog clock 
  • Use clocks with movable hands to express and read times with five-minute intervals 
  • Correlate analog and digital times 
  • Skip count by 5 within the hour to define the number of minutes past the hour 
  • Label the hours on analog clocks 
  • Tell time on analog clocks to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour (quarter past and quarter to 


  • Extend Workbook (Page 58) 
  • Analog clocks with moveable hands (demonstration) 
  • Analog clocks with moveable hands (student) 
  • Crayons or markers 
  • Analog clock template sheets 

Step 1: Warm Up (5 min)

Review the hours on the analog clock (starting at 12). Review that the short hand represents hours on the clock, and long hand represents minutes. When the long hand is pointed to the 12, it is saying the time to the hour (1:00, 3:00). When the long hand is pointed to the 6, it is at the half-hour mark or 30 minutes, since half of 60 minutes in an hour is 30 minutes. To help figure out the other times on the clock, as we move foward moving the long hand from 1-2-3-4-5, we are skip counting by 5’s (e.g. if short hand is at the 5, and long hand is at the 1, it is 5:05, then moving the long hand to the 2, it is 5:10, and so forth). Practice skip counting by 5’s with the analog clocks with moveable hands. Explain the small ticks between the numbers 1-12 represent minutes (1-2-3-4-5).  

Step 2: Vocab Review (5 min)

Review prior vocabulary: analog clock versus digital clocks, face of a clock, hour hand, minute hand, am/pm, face of a clock, long and short arrows, half-hour or half past. Introduce new vocabulary: quarter past and quarter to. Clocks are divided into four equal parts (demonstrate on white board): draw a very light line from the 12 to the 6 on the a clock. Draw another very light line from the 9 to the 3. The clock is now divided into four equal parts. Point to each part. Every 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour. Sometimes you will hear people use quarter when they say the time. Instead of 12:15, they might say a quarter past twelve. This means that a quarter of an hour, 15 minutes, has passed since 12:00. Relating a quarter of something is saying one-fouth of the whole (so four parts of the clock).  

Step 3: Model (5 min)

Show various times on the clock to the hour (3:00, 7:00, 11:00). Then, place the small hand on the 12, and then move the long hand to the 6 and ask what that does to the small hand. It moves the small hand to halfway between 12 and 1 to represent 12:30. Show various times to the half hour (1:30, 5:30, 9:30). Then show various times to the quarter (1:15, 3:45, 6:15), skip counting by 5’s along the hour numbers. Next, using their analog clocks with moveable hands, give them times to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour and have them practice on clock template sheets.

Step 4: Guided Practice (5 min)

Now have students practice together to tell time to the hour and half hour. Give them times to the hour and half hour and see if students can correctly show the time on their analog clocks. First, model and have them copy you based on the times you show on your clock. Then, give them random hours to show you (e.g., 4:00, 9:00, 12:00), followed by to the half hour (2:30, 6:30, 8:30). Reinforce that the long hand must be on 12 to show time to the hour and on the 6 to show time to the half hour. Have students practice write out the times on a clock template sheet based on what their analog clock shows.  

Step 5: Student Practice (5 min)

Go to Student Workbook Page (58). Read the directions at the top of the page. Go to the first analog and digital clock and read the time on the digital clock, then point the small hand either at the 6 or in between the 6 and 7, and the long hand at the 6. Work through this process for the next three clocks. 

Step 6: Wrap Up (5 min)

To wrap up the lesson, review the learning objectives and core vocabulary words again and ask your students about their experience.