TouchMath Extend

Lesson 17: Addition within 10

Lesson Objectives

  • Review Touching/Counting Patterns for numbers 1-9 
  • Add within 10 
  • Identify pairs of numbers whose sum is 10  
  • Use TouchPoints as a strategy in computation  
  • Join together groups of objects to add  
  • Add using Pictorial TouchPoints 
  • Count on using TouchPoints 


  • Extend Workbook (Page 17) 
  • Ten-Frame Templates 
  • Counters or manipulatives (two different colors, sets of 10 each, if possible) 
  • TouchMath’s Foam Numerals with TouchMath’s TouchPoints with or without pictures 
  • TouchMath’s number line (used vertically) 

Step 1: Warm Up (5 min)

Take out Foam Manipulatives and TouchPoints (TPP) with images. Review TouchPoints and counting patterns on using TouchMath’s Foam Numerals and TouchPoints. Remind students when adding two different groups that groups can be anything: chickens, squares, carrots, leaves, or soccer balls. Using manipulatives and TouchMath’s number line vertically, tell students to identify the larger number in a group (like climbing up an escalator – the “higher” number is the bigger one).

Step 2: Vocab Review (5 min)

Review addends, addition, addition sign, equals, sum, and counting on. Remind students that there are multiple ways to show adding but in this lesson you will be using TouchPoints, the TouchMath Foam Numerals and TouchPoints, counters and ten-frames  to combine addends to find the sum. Sum is the answer to an addition sentence. It means the same as total, in all, and altogether. Remind students about ten-frames and that they are a strategy that can be used when working with addends to find a sum within 10. 

Step 3: Model (5 min)

Explain to students that once you have identified the larger number of two numbers, you will always start with the larger number when adding, say the number, and count on from that number (e.g. with 6 + 2, you would say “six,” then count on: “seven, eight.” 6+2 = 8). When using TouchMath’s Foam Numerals, physically remove the larger number and count on the TouchPoints of the second number (remove 6, then count the two TouchPoints on the 2). Show several examples with the Foam Numerals and TouchPoints, using two different addends (with sums no greater than 9). Bring in ten-frames and counters, and explain that students can also use these as another method for solving addition problems. For some of your students, you might need to spend more time reviewing the Touch/Counting Patterns before using with the manipulatives. Show students a few problems on a whiteboard and explain once you have identified the larger number in an addition problem, you will cross it out, say the number aloud, then count on the TouchPoints of the second number. Explain this helps to avoid counting it again. 

Step 4: Guided Practice (5 min)

Now have students work in pairs or within groups. Give students an addition problem with sums no larger than 5 to start, using the Foam Numerals and TouchPoints. Once you ahve given the first problem (e.g. 3 + 2). Have students identify the larger number using their numbers lines, as needed. Then, have students place TouchPoints on the smaller number (2) and count on from the larger number after saying the number first (“3, 4, 5,” and repeat the whole fact: 3+2=5). Remind students when they get to paper and pencil, to cross out the larger number as you say the number aloud, then count on the second number. Bring in the ten-frames and counters and ask students to use one color for the first number and another for the second number (e.g. 3+2 – 3 blue counters and 2 red counters, altogether equals 5 total counters). 

Step 5: Student Practice (5 min)

Go to Student Workbook Page (17). Read the directions at the top of the page. Tell students to use the Foam Numerals and TouchPoints as needed, and to have their TouchMath number line vertical to identify the larger number of the addition problems. For the first problem, remind students to say the larger number (5) and then count on using the TouchPoints of the other number (6, 7, 8, 9), and repeat the addition problem (5+4=9), then write the answer to the right of the equation sign on the line provided. Remind students to cross out the larger number before the count on the second number, so not to accidentally count the first number again. Next, students can use their own ten-frame and counters and set it up on their template first, or they can just draw 1 dot in 5 boxes, followed by 1 dot in 4 boxes. This should show 9 total dots drawn. Repeat these steps for the next five addition problems. 

Step 6: Wrap Up (5 min)

To wrap up the lesson, review the learning objectives and core vocabulary words again and ask your students about their experience.