Build Student Portfolios in TouchMath Hub
One of the things we have heard from educators time and again is that managing student assignments, records, and data can be challenging. Questions abound on how best to keep track of a combination of digital and printed assignments. We took this challenge to heart when we designed TouchMath Pro version 2.0 and the rest of our new digital learning suite.
One of the most exciting new features of the TouchMath Digital Learning Suite is the ability to create a unique portfolio of work and records for each student in TouchMath Hub. Teachers can then track student progress according to individualized proficiency standards for each student and guide them on to more advanced skills using the Skills Rainbow.
Whether your students are more advanced than their peers or having difficulty remembering and keeping up with basic math concepts, TouchMath Pro can help you quickly craft a personalized learning trajectory for every student and easily manage their specific learning journey in TouchMath Hub. Individual student dashboards showcase student progress across all TouchMath print and digital lessons, with individual reports that highlight: Student Growth, Average Score by Individual Skill, Grade Level by Skill, Progress and Remediation Needs by Skill, and MyTouchMath usage. Small group and whole class dashboards are also available, giving educators a comprehensive look at how student groups or whole classrooms are performing. Each report can be customized and exported to share with co-teachers and caregivers.
In TouchMath Hub:
- Teachers are able to store and access student work assigned digitally through TouchMath Pro, as well as upload images of completed printed worksheets, to have every students’ body of work easily accessible in one location. Teachers are able to upload images of completed work from their computer, tablet, or phone.
- Educators receive access to student rosters, gradebook functions, and student reports, in one convenient dashboard.
- TouchMath Hub integrates with leading SSO platforms, including Clever and ClassLink, to simplify your classroom management.
- Educators can quickly and easily craft customized learning plans for every student based on individualized proficiency standards and manage data and reporting from their dashboard.
TouchMath Pro is our new digital tool that empowers educators to personalize learning for targeted intervention, gives students meaningful and accessible lessons to grow their math skills, all in a flexible digital interface that easily adapts for in-person, distance, and blended learning. Learn more about what TouchMath Pro 2.0 can do for your classroom or district by scheduling a free demo!