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TouchMath Workshops

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Latest TouchMath Workshop

Don’t miss out on our transformative workshop, highlighting the crucial role of data in shaping daily instruction and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Join us for an insightful journey towards educational excellence!  This workshop is designed to help educators interpret and apply educational data effectively to elevate teaching practices and align IEPs with student needs. We will delve into various sources of educational data, the art of data interpretation, and how these insights can be integrated into daily instruction and IEP formulation. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical activities, this workshop seeks to either enhance your existing understanding or introduce you to the transformative power of data in education.  


After watching the recording, you’ll be able to: 
  • The ability to comprehend the fundamental role of data in informing daily instruction and formulating IEPs. 
  • An understanding of how to analyze and interpret various forms of educational data. 
  • Skills to integrate data into daily teaching practices for improved instruction and student learning outcomes. 


Audience: This session is suitable for all educators, and participation does not necessitate prior familiarity with the TouchMath program. 

Past Workshop Recordings

Is there a particular workshop topic you want to learn about?

Shining the Light on Dyscalculia

Learning Strategies for Your Students

Instructional Strategies You Can Implement Tomorrow

Dive Deep Into Math Concepts

Learning Intervention

Distance Learning