Lesson 53: Non-standard Measurement
Lesson Objectives
- Demonstrate measuring length by placing tools end to end with no gaps or overlaps
- Measure objects with every day objects (e.g. pennies)
- Select the appropriate tool to measure an object
- Select a tool and measure the lengths of given items
- Compare lengths of given objects without measuring them and identify the appropriate tool
- Understand tools used for weight and vocabulary associated with weight
- Understand purpose of thermometers and determine temperature using thermometers
- Extend Workbook (Page 53)
- Rulers, yardstick, tape measure
- Estimation jars full of various items
- Items or counters to use for estimation activities
- Scale
- Thermometer
Step 1: Warm Up (5 min)
Play estimation games – give students a handful of items and instead of counting, ask them to guess how many are in their hand, in a jar, or on their desk. Write down the number and then count the actual total and compare. Use estimation jars to estimate totals in the jar (new amounts if using the same jars as the prior lesson).
Step 2: Vocab Review (5 min)
Introduce weight, heavier and lighter, pounds, and thermometers. Review estimation – When you need to estimate the length of something, it is often helpful to think about something else you know is about the same length, for example – pull estimates from things you already know are a certain length (e.g. 1 inch, 1 foot). Review prior vocabulary: inches (in), centimeters (cm), length, and long. When teaching inches and centimeter, take out a ruler to visually show the difference. Use actual items to show how many inches or centimeters it is.
Step 3: Model (5 min)
Take out different length items (e.g. different pieces of string, yarn, shredded pieces of paper), and place them next to each other. Explain that each item is a certain length and we can measure using rulers, yardsticks, and tape measures but you can also use other objects to measure the length (this watch is roughly the length of 6 pennies lined up, this pencil is roughly 10 fingerprints in length, the sofa is roughly 10 foot steps). Measure each item using other items within your class (paperclips, pens, fingers, fingerprints, foot steps). Show a scale in class and weigh items. Use words like “heavier” or “lighter” when comparing and pounds. Show a thermometer and ask students to identify the temperature.
Step 4: Guided Practice (5 min)
Next, take out new items of various lengths: pieces of string, yarn, shredded pieces of paper), and place them next to each other. Use other objects to measure the length (this watch is roughly the length of 6 pennies lined up, this pencil is roughly 10 fingerprints in length, the sofa is roughly 10 foot steps). Measure each item using other items within your class (paperclips, pens, fingers, fingerprints, foot steps). Have students record their answers. Ask students to compare sets of items and estimate which would be heavier and which would be lighter.
Step 5: Student Practice (5 min)
Go to Student Workbook Page (53). Read the directions for each problem. Use the visuals in the problem to measure the items listed or to estimate which item is heavier, what measures weight and so forth.
Step 6: Wrap Up (5 min)
To wrap up the lesson, review the learning objectives and core vocabulary words again and ask your students about their experience.