Lesson 10: Number Concepts 51–99
Lesson Objectives
- Count orally to 99
- Count on from any number
- Associate the number of objects with the numeral
- Represent numbers with pictures
- Use numerals as abstract representations of numbers
- Extend Workbook (Page 10)
- 100s Chart
- Highlighters, crayons, coloring pencils, or markers
- Linking cube manipulatives or other stacking manipulatives
- Beads and strings
- Place value mats
- Whiteboard with dry erase markers and erasers
- Straws and rubber bands (optional)
Step 1: Warm Up (5 min)
Practice skip counting by fives and tens, using a hundred chart. Practice counting with student ages as a starting number, adding 10 to each number in sequence. Practice throwing a ball in a group, counting from a given number. Practice counting aloud from a given number to a given number of steps.
Step 2: Vocab Review (5 min)
Count on, sequence
Step 3: Model (5 min)
Pull out a 100s chart review all tens (10, 20, 30) for support. Take your linking cubes, beads and strings, or straws and rubber bands and work through grouping five groups of 10 to make 50, then add in extra objects to represent numbers 51-59. Continue making more sets of 10 and adding in ones to make larger numbers up to 99 (62, 75, 86, 92). Draw six groups of 10 (e.g. stars) on a white board and circle the groups of 10. Then draw 5 stars outside of the circle to represent 16, and then another star to represent 65.
Step 4: Guided Practice (5 min)
Tell students that they have represented numbers 1-50 in many ways, and they all show the place value of the number. It is 10 objects, or 1 bundle of 10 and ones on the place value chart. It is a two-digit number: tens and ones. Give students different manipulatives to play around with and work with students to make bundles of 10 (e.g. 50, 60, 70, 80, 90), then so many extra to make numbers 51-99. Students may also use white boards and draw groups of 10, circling the group and making so many extra outside of the circle to represent numbers 50-99.
Step 5: Student Practice (5 min)
Go to Student Workbook Page (10). Tell students to trace the number 51 and then color the number of dots in the rectangle that represents 51. Repeat this step for the next four numbers.
Step 6: Wrap Up (5 min)
Review lesson objectives, key vocabulary words, place value, and counting on.