TouchMath Extend

Lesson 3: Numbers 6–9

Lesson Objectives

  • Review Touching/Counting Patterns for numbers 6-9 
  • Recognize numerals 0-9 and count to 9 
  • Match numerals to sets of 6-9 objects, represent numbers with pictures (dots), and to trace the numerals 6-9. 
  • Associate quantities with Pictorial TouchPoints (TPPs), represent quantities with TouchPoints, and apply Touching/Counting Patterns 


  • Extend Workbook (Page 3) 
  • TouchMath’s Foam Numerals 
  • TouchMath’s TouchPoints with Pictures (TPP) and without pictures 
  • Plastic Bags (Quart or Gallon) for each student 
  • Objects or items of “6,” “7,” “8,” or “9” (e.g. counters, race cars, rocks, TouchPoints) 
  • Counters or objects for counting 

Step 1: Warm Up (5 min)

Take out Foam Manipulatives and TPP with images. Add to pre-made plastic bag of TPPs for each student to practice for numbers 6-9 (either preset and make for them, or let students pick their TPPs). Practice using manipulatives of your choosing (TPP or other manipulatives) and practice sorting groups of 6, 7, 8, and 9 with manipulatives. Review TouchPoints and counting patterns on worksheet and and with use of TouchMath’s Foam Numerals. Can also sort 6, 7, 8, and 9 items by color as an extension (e.g. “six blue counters” “8 red counters”) with the words six, seven, eight, and nine at the top and manipulatives for each object underneath each. 

Step 2: Vocab Review (5 min)

Using the words “Six,” “Seven,” “Eight,” and “Nine,” place TouchMath’s Foam Numerals 6, 7, 8, and 9 underneath each word. Place six objects under the numeral 6, 7 objects under the numeral 7, and 8 objects under the numeral 8, and 9 objects under the numeral 9. Review “double TouchPoints” and “inner TouchPoint” and “outer TouchPoint” (reminding students to always count the “inner TouchPoint” first). 

Step 3: Model (5 min)

Take the foam TouchNumeral 6 and place in front of your students with 6 objects, the TouchNumeral 7 with 7 objects, and the TouchNumeral 8 with 8 objects, the TouchNumeral 9 with 9 objects. Then, place the correct number of TPPs on each TouchNumeral and count aloud as you place them on the TouchNumeral. Teach the counting patterns on the TouchPoints (see video for how to make double TouchPoints on Foam Numerals). 

Step 4: Guided Practice (5 min)

Give students Foam TouchNumerals and their own plastic bag of TouchPoints with Pictures. Have them take out TouchPoint Numerals 6-9 and practice putting TPP on the Touch Numerals, counting as they place them on the TouchNumerals. Give students images of or actual objects totaling 6, 7, 8, or 9 (e.g. pictures of 6 basketballs, 7 circles, 8 dinosaurs, and 9 erasers) and place under the numerals 6, 7, 8, or 9 (match objects to numerals). 

Step 5: Student Practice (5 min)

Go to the Student Workbook Page (3). Count the TouchPoints on the 6 and trace the 6 two times, then fill in 6 dots in the ten-frame. Repeat this step for the numbers 7-9, placing the correct number of dots in the ten-frame for each number. For double TouchPoints, be sure to count the inner TouchPoint first, then the outer TouchPoint. For 7 and 9, remind them to start at the top counting the double TouchPoints first, then the single TouchPoint last. 

Step 6: Wrap Up (5 min)

Review lesson objectives, key vocabulary words, and Touching/Counting Patterns.