BETT UK 2025

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50 Years of Explicit, Systematic Multisensory Maths Instruction

Thank you for visiting TouchMath at Bett UK 2025! As a pioneer in maths education for the past 50 years, we have accelerated student achievement with our explicit, systematic multisensory solution. By addressing early foundational skills, numbers and operations, geometry, measurement and more, TouchMath provides grade- and age-appropriate lessons and materials to help students grow in their maths learning journey.

The Teaching & Learning Cycle

TouchMath helps teachers plan, deliver, assess, and adjust their instruction based on students’ needs, progress, and feedback. The TouchMath Teaching and Learning Cycle is a comprehensive, data-driven approach to instruction that begins with precise screening and continues through targeted instruction and progress monitoring.

Free Trial Offer

We invite you to experience a free 14-day trial of the MyTouchMath Blended Solution. Interact with samples of our multisensory curriculum, interactive skills practice and games, reporting, and progress monitoring. 

Ready to learn more about TouchMath?